It goes smoothly

Published November 17, 2015

Since last time i have successful continued the "Leverman Devlog" series and uploaded 65 episodes!
It goes very well and we make steady progress towards a physics based platformer ;-)

We are at the point where we start creating the actual platformer with an integrated level editor.

What we/i have done so far:

- Rendering pixels directly on a canvas using AWT (Only use Graphics2D once to put a pixel array into a canvas)
- Keyboard and mouse handling
- Fixed and robust game loop
- Numerical integration
- Vector maths
- 2D Rotation / Transformation
- Simple collision and response
- Drawing rectangles, circles and lines
- 2D custom physics engine with a robust contact generator and 3 contact solvers with support for AABB, line-segments, planes and circles
- Drawing visualizations for SAT, contacts and impulses
- Contact state detection and cashing
- Tons of math
- Tons of refactoring

If you are interested:

Latest episode (German audio - but code is in english):

First episode (German audio - but code is in english):

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