[color=#333333][font='Trebuchet MS']Welcome to another installment of our fluffy sweetness. If you missed our world uncovering gifs last week you can check them [/font][/color]here[color=#333333][font='Trebuchet MS'].[/font][/color]
Fluffy Friday #2
After our world building, level crafting & dungeon inaugurating, we were left with a grim realization. For all the beauty in display, we were missing something crucial. We had a beautiful but empty painting. A canvas ready for: Life! *crackling thunder*

So, here they are presented with their idle animation. Minding their own business until you come along:

They'll spawn in small groups where it's relevant and flee when you come close. Now that the system is in place we could add more variety if we find the time. It's not completely done but I can already tell you it adds a lot to the look & feel of the game.
We'll show more soon and I wish you a nice week end.
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