Happy New Year 2008

Published January 02, 2008
Hi everyone! Hope you've all had a good end of 2007 and are ready for an exciting new year!

Today I'm back from my trip to visit and generally hang out with family in Melbourne, and I'm preparing for 2008. It was a decent time off, although I didn't get nearly as much hobby stuff done as I thought I would. The temperature was pretty hot in Melbourne, and in the heat it was fairly hard to gain the motivation to work on a borrowed laptop. Now I'm back I'm hoping to change things.

The presents I gave were fairly well appreciated (mainly printed copies of webcomics), and all the gifts I got were great (mainly books and DVDs, which are nice). Probably the most relevant new thing for game development I got over the break was a new mobile phone as part of upgrading my plan. It's a Nokia 6300, and while I've only had a brief look at it I'm pretty sure it's Flash Lite compatible. This means I've got a great new platform to aim for once I get my MacBook Pro back; I'd love to see what I can do on a mobile.

This year I've got two main New Year Resolutions; to better manage my time, and to take better care of my health. I don't think I'm doing nearly enough on both these fronts, and if I can management myself better and make myself a bit healthier and fitter then I feel I'd be a lot more productive.

As for game development in 2008, I'm going to be mighty busy between now and April, so I'm not sure how much I can get done. But this year, I'm planning to focusing on higher level languages like Flash and Python. While I like working low level with languages like C or C++, this year I just don't have the time to spend days mucking about with debugging and the guts of things.

Will post more later on. I've just set fire to a saucepan which needs some attention.
Previous Entry Python anyone?
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