The Ongoing Saga of the MacBook Pro

Published December 18, 2007
Well, my MacBook Pro is back and looks partly repaired, and partly broken again. The good news is that the screen appears operational again - maybe one more dead pixel (why do I keep attracting those?!), but at least the back light is on again.

The bad news is that the laptop seems to be randomly rebooting and occasionally freezing. I haven't a clue why - it wasn't doing this before I handed it in for repair, and as far as I know nothing has changed software wise, so it has to be a hardware issue. The first (and so far only) freeze I've seen had the screen back light go off and a ghost image appear on the screen which freaked me out a litte, but the subsequent rebootings seem to happen at random.

I'm uncertain as to whether I should keep testing it this evening to see if it's a recurring problem - I think it's getting a bit better but that might just be my perception - or whether that's risking more damage and I should just wait and contact the techs tomorrow morning.

I'm more that just a little ticked though that there's a good chance I'll be missing my laptop for yet another week while I'm away over Christmas, with all my digital research notes (which I really would like to have right now!) and my ability to work with Flash.
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