Awkward Screen Names

posted in Ian's Blog Rants
Published March 07, 2007
Has anyone else noticed how unbelievably awkward it is to introduce yourself to people by your screen name? Especially when you have a really stupid one?

I was considering this today when I was meeting people at the GDC, and whenever it came time to introduce myself it would come out sounding more or less like this:

"OH HELLO THERE SO AND SO! QUITE NICE TO MEET YOU! I'm uh, uhhh, you know ,uh, *cough*the senshi*cough* but you know you don't really have to call me that because it's quite possibly the dumbest screen name I've ever come up with *ahem*.. so uh.. oh hey free coffee over there!"

As you might be able to tell, I'm quite the smooth operator.

Of course, it could be worse. My username is pretty stupid and pretentious sounding, but at least its not gross or awkwardly sexual sounding. I mean, what if you had a screen name like "Poop Doctor"? That would be extra awkward. Especially if you didn't really have a medical degree, because then people would just think you're a liar. Just imagine the conversations you'd have...

"Oh, hi Poop Doctor! Oh hey, its awesome to finally find someone knowledgeable in that, because I've been having some issues with that lately and... oh, oh, you mean, you're not a real doctor? Oh.. I... well then this is slightly awkward because your username is a lie."

Well it sounded slightly more plausible in my head.

Oh yes, I also attented a rather interesting tutorial today, so I'll have a writeup of that in a bit. Yeah, I'm actually getting around to real coverage of the GDC. Shocking!
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Did you touch Superpig's fake hand, or his real hand?

He's real sensitive about the fake one -- he'll come back and kill you while you're sleeping.
March 07, 2007 12:13 AM
The fake one. In fact, I actually stole it, and I'm holding it for ransome now. I figured it was a good way to fund my travel expenses.
March 07, 2007 12:20 AM
If I actually run into anyone from GDNet there I dread having to introduce myself by my screen name, so I feel your pain.
March 07, 2007 12:36 AM
I'm sure it sounded cool when you first thought of it :P I have no problem introducing myself as Gaiiden, even though I prefer to pronounce it most of the time as gay-den. If anyone wants to make a crack I'll just kick their ass
March 07, 2007 03:18 AM
My decision to use my real first name as my username seems smarter every day...
March 07, 2007 10:06 AM
That's sort of related to why I am no longer VertexNormal, although my change came about as a result of many of my real-life family reading my journal and asking me what the %^&* a vertex normal is, and why I would choose something so weird for my handle.
March 07, 2007 10:36 PM
Yeah well I dunno what I was thinking when I made my screen name all those years back... but it wasn't smart.
March 08, 2007 11:13 AM
Prinz Eugn
I have friends who call me exclusively 'Eugn,' although I think being called 'Prinz' would make me sound vaguely royal.

It's too bad not all of us have unique first names :/
March 08, 2007 08:10 PM
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