Last week was a modelling one. There aren't a whole lot of new mechanics but it was still a productive week nevertheless.
Custom FontFirstly, I've previously talked about creating a custom font to display some of the GUI icons.
Well, with the use of FontForge, we were able to add v…
Last week I've worked on implementing statuses in the game.
To put it simply, statuses negatively affect entities. Things like poisoning or bleeding, for example, will continuously dish out damage for a specific amount of time.
StatusesHere's a list of some statuses and their effec…
In my previous update, I've said that the next step would be to integrate relics in the game.
I'm proud to say that I've managed to implements some of th…
I've decided to change the frequency of these updates: most of the times, I just do some minor updates and graphical tweaks here and there. Therefore, if I do these updates weekly, then I'll have a lot more content to write about.
So, yeah...
Last week, I've been working on adding many …
During the past days, lots of shaders were updated and other visual things did too.
Firstly, I've added lights effects when the crystals get shattered. There's also a burst of particle emanating from the broken crystal on impact.
Also, enemies now leave a ragdoll corpse behind when they …
Today was kind of a slow day too. I've haven't got a lot of sleep lately (thanks little hamster wheel in my head)
But at last, I was still able to add (and also fix) some graphical components here and there.
In short, I've made the first and last rooms of the level more distinct from eve…
Today, I've worked on level exits.
When the player arrived at the last room before, nothing awaited him. He was stuck for eternity on the same level. Kinda boring, actually...
But today this is no more! Now a big Ethernet port awaits the player at the end of the level.
He just needs …