Hey all!
This time I'm going to write a little about my plans for generating planets. This entry won’t go into any specific details of the terrain generation but will be just a very high level overview of the basic framework. I don't think any of the ideas in here are new.. the procedu…
Having decent tools to debug the generators is crucial. One of the tools I always like to have is lots of debug rendering features. Putting debug text in the world is a big part of that, so I need ThreeJS to do that for me. ThreeJS has some nice stuff built in but I don't want to add dependencie…
A good while ago I stumbled across this video on youtube about a theory that the earth grew in size and the tectonic plates 'float' on top of this expanding sphere.
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Now despite this being somewhat scientifically questionable it did get me thinking that it might be fun to model a pro…
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Now despite this being somewhat scientifically questionable it did get me thinking that it might be fun to model a pro…
This time I'm giving an update on the status of the code itself. It's still early days but at the moment I've been working on mesh generation helper code. The first mesh generation function I have working is for geodesic spheres, a cool piece of geometry!
It's built from an icosahedron as the base w…
It's built from an icosahedron as the base w…
Scripting languages can be a can of worms. I want to make sure I open that can for the right reasons!
I want the code that does any heavy lifting of the generation to be in C++ for performance reasons (and debugging!). I also want the generation steps of objects to have rapid iteration in a forgivin…
I want the code that does any heavy lifting of the generation to be in C++ for performance reasons (and debugging!). I also want the generation steps of objects to have rapid iteration in a forgivin…
To make a universe more than just a static diorama things have to change. Time should have an effect, so planets spin and the sun can rise, but more importantly the players actions should have an effect.
If the player gets their hands on a planet destroying super weapon it would be very unsatisfying…
If the player gets their hands on a planet destroying super weapon it would be very unsatisfying…
Having a big universe to play in is going to require some thought into how to locate things.
The Milky Way is 120kly (ish) according to Wikipedia. That's kilo-light years. That sounds big! Ok lets say I want to positiom things with millimetre accuracy. A light year is 9.4605284 x 10^18 millimetres (…
The Milky Way is 120kly (ish) according to Wikipedia. That's kilo-light years. That sounds big! Ok lets say I want to positiom things with millimetre accuracy. A light year is 9.4605284 x 10^18 millimetres (…
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