Latest solodev Activity
Hey guys!
I'm here just to show you guys a quick project aimed to be completed in 2 weeks ( it's been 5 days already ) for a retro game jam on
Feel free to leave any feedback. The main goal of the project, is not a DEMAKE of Dead By Daylight, but actually some kind of reimagination, so by the…
Yes, the way the text is done kinda stands out the bad way. I'm reading just about anything i can find that seems to have value. Well, that is definitely true, the story sells. There is a story about how the game came to life, i have to put it together.
I almost lost my mind doing the ga…
I absolutely love the project, however I am a just starting my game dev journey and unfortunately don't think I would be much help. I can give a few pointers as I love horror.
-Music and Sound Design is key: You are gonna want to focus on these two things a lot as you need to strike emotion in…

This is the sixteenth entry of my development blog for my project 'Tracked Mind'.
A long time has passed since the last blog post. Don't worry the game is still under development, and with a lot of progress, new features and a new story. I was noticed about problems with the previous blog pos…