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What are you trying to achieve because map/memcpy and CopyResource work. But if you are just instancing some data and need the same working data as another object just setting that data might be better solution to begin with. The PCI-E bus transfer might incur some perfromance stalls you don't want…
GPU is a state machine, only calls that goes operating on it- are the state changing ones, dx11 contains at least a few utility functions which are not GPU calls. Or maybe none, who knows, I do not contain all of it and I have used only GPU calls of the API.
Hello! I am running a poll to decide what sound asset pack to create and giveaway next. There are 4 choices this month (hip hop beats, foley sound effects, 8 bit retro and synth wave). The winning choice will be the theme of the giveaway pack.
1. I will create a sound asset pack based on th…
Bregma said:
Are you looking for an Integrated Game Development Environment (a single installable suite of tools with a built-in workflow used to develop graphics-oriented games with, the software you install on your computer and use to create a game), or are you looking for a Game Engine (software …