Latest indie game Activity
Atomic Blastman
New Items Design
Registration Form: Beta Testing Registration Form
Official Website: Indiependent Games Studio
Figure 1: Atomic Blastman Game Thumbnail
Beta Testing PhaseFigure 2: Atomic Blastman New Bomb Items
Figure 3: Atomic Blastman New Powerup Items
Figure 4: Atomic Blastman New …
Atomic Blastman
New Character Design
Official Website: Indiependent Games Studio
Figure 1: Atomic Blastman New Game Thumbnail
Meet The New Blastman ModelFigure 2: New Blue Blastman Model
Figure 3: Blastman poses and emotions chart
Character Design - What's new:- From now on, Atomic Blastman has a new …
Atomic Blastman
Devlog #2
Official Website: Indiependent Games Studio
Figure 1: Atomic Blastman Main Menu
Developing Progress - Shop and ProfileFigure 2: Atomic Blastman Profile Overview Sketch
Shop and Profile - What's new:- Shop backend is fully functional now, all products can be purchased…
Atomic Blastman
Devlog #1
Official Website: Indiependent Games Studio
Figure 1: Atomic Blastman Main Menu
Developing Progress - Login MenuFigure 2: Atomic Blastman Login Menu
Login Menu - What's new:- Atomic Blastman is expected to be launched on Epic Games Store. That's why using Epic Online Servic…
Hi everyone, my name is Craig and I'm a hobby dev from Ontario, Canada. I've been self taught learning how to make games over the past several years and I'm releasing my first title on Steam next week.
Floops Big House Adventure, coming to Steam August 21!
Steam page:…