Latest git Activity
Everything what @shaarigan said plus
- When you use prefabs, all data is stored in the prefabs, the scene only stores changes made to the prefabs. So it is a good idea to make use of prefabs (also if the object exists only once) and don't forget to apply the changes to the prefabs!
- You can additively l…
frob said:
LFS doesn't actually do versioning of the files, it merely points to where you keep them elsewhere for proper versioning. It works for some people, but you need to recognize it is a workaround for not having the assets themselves in version control. I have never seen it work for games.
I k…
Shaarigan said:
Git works best with text files or files that are easily diffable, this isn't the case for binary files like assets. Unreal dosen't compress as far as I know too so, workj with it
THIS so much.
Use the right tools for the job.
Distributed version control systems like Git make a copy of t…