Latest dungeoncrawler Activity

Steam Page: Trailer:
Cooperative Multiplayer
- Revive, heal, damage boost, raise defens…
So what decision you have made?
Maybe one player can sort of lead the boat and second (row) do the management (rotations and supportive actions) within the “boat”. Plus rogue (controlled by the second row player) might be able visit virtually one tile neighbour of the group.
Btw: you have made …

Hi everyone,
I'm Percy Legendre from Half Human Games, the small team behind Dwerve, a Zelda-like action tower-defense RPG where you play as a dwarven tinkerer that uses turrets and traps to fight.
Dwerve launched on Kickstarter last week so I have been trying to tell more people about it.
Dwerve is a…

Well . . . This past month was quite the interesting: First, shortly after my last entry, I discovered that by removing a chuck of the climbing system, it made it work much better and faster. So that was a thing. However, the elephant in the room was the idea of creating an …

In the case the link is missing for the video:
In the spirit of continuation (from last entry)In this stage of development, I wanted to prototype how the player would be able to move around in the game: Only using basic movements and actions that are available for all p…

It is said . . . that a time will come when the heavens will no longer bear the weight of our souls–as we have forsaken them. What was built beforehand will mean nothing, as all that there was to know will be forever-lost. The lineage of those who came before us will be broken, and ne…

Whenever I close my eyes . . . I can still hear my father's voice, as if he were standing right next to me . . . If only I could reach out once more, and tell them that I am grateful for all the things they have taught me . . . As I will forever carry their words, as long as I live.
"A man…