Latest Direct3D12 Activity
@PAM79 Thanks, that explains it!
I took a look at your tutorial and it seems great! I'll definitely give it a try

Problem has been fixed. uvScale had an invalid Value, so HeightMap.SampleLevel always was zero.
That's unfortunate regarding GDI.
SoldierOfLight said:
The Windows CPU scheduler doesn't have a guarantee of being able to wake up threads at such a small granularity. What you're talking about here is submitting a frame, having the compositor wake up and consume that frame, and then allowing the ap…
It looks like the issue is the Alignment member of the D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC struct, which needs to be either 0 or D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT (which doesn't really matter for a committed resource, that's more for placed resources). D3D12_CONSTANT_BUFFER_DATA_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT is for…