Latest #devlog Activity

We have a quick clip for you guys for our Halloween special! We have our new Game Avatars and we finally have our Game Title! Barbarian Angel
Game Avatars: (Barbarian and Angel Avatar)
More updates to be posted soon! We will be posting every week for our Development updates so make…
The Start
This is the first Devlog for the game "The Colosseum". I have been working on this for over a year now. I didn't have a lot of time first. I worked on short Protoypes which focused on the concept of "having many enemies surround you". Those enemies could attack you any time…

Three words: holywater demon crosses
Not a fan of long texts? Me neither - watch it instead!
Alright, we´ve a story now and some backgund informations. Let´s think about the task and the gameplay. Since there are many, many games whose task is, to collect things (for the most time pages or keys ;) …