Latest boardgame Activity

@_Silence_ thank you 🙂

Hello friends!
I would like to introduce you to Amoriax, which I finally finished after a year 🙂
It is a tactical game based on ancient Roman board games. These games were built on the principle of simplicity - they usually had plain stones with some movement options, yet there was magical logic behi…
I want to create a simple online boardgame. We want to play it with 2 or 3 players. Every Player should type in his name. Furthermore I need a dice. I ask google and I found the framework and the framework. Are there other frameworks that are proper for that?
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rofellos said:
it may have some blockages (walls or others) between some squares
Assign half the edges of a square to it, eg the upper and right edge. Add two booleans (blocked/unblocked for both edges) or two enum-values (unblocked/wall/bush/etc) to a square and you're done.
The only “problem” you ha…