This game is an management game. You start with little spacecraft created from scrap. Your goal is to build a flying factory, getting resources from planets, asteroids and moons. You will need to fight with pirates and do quests to get money for better parts, buildings and components.
Dock/Undock - X
Brake - B
Switch maneuver mode - Tab
In normal mode:
W/S - Control thrust
A/D - Turn
In maneuver mode:
W/S - Accelerate forward/backward
A/D - Accelerate left/right
Q/E - Turn
H - harpoon (target with mouse)
R - switch retro thrusters
In player mode:
W/S/A/D - move
Enter/Return - open part gui/steer (after approaching proper part)
X - go through docking port/hatch
M - open map
Planned features:
- Quests
- Building spacecraft (in and out)
- Exploiting resources from planets, moons and asteroids
- Fight system (pirates)
- Creating AI or remote-controlled vehicles to automate gathering resources and transporting them to the main spaceship
- Shop with parts
- Creating own electronic chips from components, inputs and outputs
- Gathering resources from small asteroids and shipwrecks with harpoon
- Reputation system
Possible release date: July 3, 2020
Game languages: English, Polish