Leadwerks Software Concludes Crowdfunding Campaign for Ultra App Kit

Published November 25, 2020 (updated November 25, 2020 03:14 PM)

Leadwerks Software has concluded a successful Kickstarter campaign for their new application development kit, earning 150% of its goal. Ultra App Kit is an SDK for building desktop applications. The software was created to fill a gap in existing user interface solutions, which usually focus on mobile and web development, and to serve as the basis for the company's future game development tools.

Native system drawing commands are used to make the interface responsive and the following features are included:

Supported Widgets

  • Label
  • Button (push, checkbox, radio, and toggle styles)
  • ProgressBar
  • TextField
  • TextArea
  • ComboBox
  • ListBox
  • Slider (scrollbar, trackbar, and stepper styles)
  • Draggable multi-select TreeView
  • Create your own!

API Design

  • C++ shared pointers everywhere
  • Extensible widgets system
  • Extensive documentation with examples for each command
  • Can be made to interface with C# and Lua

UI Features

  • Resolution independent for any DPI (16K+)
  • Load SVG vector images
  • Filter and sort widget items by name
  • Set widget and item image
  • Change mouse cursor
  • Custom color schemes stored in JSON files

Other Features

  • File I/O
  • File system watcher
  • Memory allocation and management
  • Image loading, saving, processing
  • Package system for loading files from compressed / encrypted archives
  • Plugin system
  • Thread management
  • String manipulation (split, match, conversion, etc.)
  • Message boxes and file / folder requester

Ultra App Kit is scheduled for release in December 2020.

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1 likes 6 comments



Great Information! Thanks for sharing

November 26, 2020 11:06 AM

Awesome news Josh! I have been fascinated by Leadwerks over the years, truly solid work. It's a shame UI in 2020 is still in this situation. Kudos!

November 28, 2020 04:16 PM

thanks for info

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