Drag[en]gine Game Engine Release 1.8.1
This release is a follow for the 1.8 and contains some bug fixes and new features including (but not only):
- Hardened element class property loaders against files with same path but different resource type.
- Added import rig support to Blender Scripts
- Fixed animator editor saving broken due to missing switch case statement in save file pattern retrieval
DEMoCap Release 0.3
This version contains:
- Improves on Multi-Character motion capturing.
- Improved Project Management.
- AutoHuman motion transfer supports now properly Chest Tracking using 11-Slot setups.
- Long neck handling has been improved which allows to motion capture better such characters.
- Added Device Animation capturing. This captures alongside the actor motion also the position and orientation of each VR device. This allows improving motion captures by examining the VR devices movement or using the capture VR device movement as input for bone constraints.
The video below shows a little overview.