DEMoCap 0.7
This release has 3 main updates besides bug fixing and general improvements.
First update is on the UI making it easier to use.
Second update is adding support to capture actor transform (position, orientation) as own animation as well as capturing objects (bone animation and transform). This way you can now also capture interactions with objects and get the resulting animations separated by actor and objects for easy integration in your projects.
The third update is adding network access to DEMoCap. This allows other applications to connect to DEMoCap using the Drag[en]gine Network Protocol (DNP) to access motion capture animations in real-time. As an example for this an Unreal Live Link plugin has been created. This way you can install the plugin from inside the UnrealEditor and connect to a running DEMoCap session (same computer or another across the LAN) to stream motion captured animation straight into the editor.
The plugin is unfortunately still stuck in review phase due to problems at Epic side but once resolved it will be available here: DEMoCap Live Link Plugin. Documentation for the usage of the plugin you can find here: Wiki Page.
This is still an early access version. One of the remaning task before it becomes a 1.0 release is to improve the performance. Feedback is welcome as well as suggestions for changes/additions to improve your workflow.