
VC++ 6.0 issues with resources

Started by June 16, 2002 01:07 AM
4 comments, last by Sketchy 22 years, 8 months ago
Ok, I''m reading "Tricks of the Windows Programming Gurus", and its talking about adding resources to your program. So I created an icon, and created 2 files: //resources.rc: #include "resources.h" ID_ICON1 ICON myIcon.ico //resources.h: #define ID_ICON1 100 According to the book, I should be able to use these to add the icon resource to my code, by including resources.h in my main file, and then using MAKEINTRESOURCE But, when I add these files (which I wrote as plain text files) to my project in VC++ 6, I get the following error: fatal error RC1004: unexpected end of file found And this points at the resources.h file #define line. I''m not sure, is this Microstupid''s way of forcing me to use their built in piece-of-sh@t-that-adds-far-too-much-extra-crap resource files, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
Why not just use Microsofts resource editor? I find it to be most functional.

-------- E y e .Scream Software --------
                                  /-\ | * |
Yes, Microsofts resource editor is great, if you like having a bunch of extra Microsoft-specific garbage in a simple "single resource" resource file.

In addition, that''s not the point of the exercise. I''m trying to learn how to manage resources, in an IDE independent way (I don''t want to have to rely on my IDE to provide resource management, requiring me to learn how to use a new resource editor everytime I use a different IDE).

this is probably not going to solve anything....but try this..

#ifndef __RESOURCE_H__
#define __RESOURCE_H__

#define ID_ICON1 100

#endif //_RESOURCE_H__

It''s just a way of doing it....
Haven''t tried it so i don''t know if it will work....

- -- ---[XaOs]--- -- -

[ project fy ]
- -- ---[XaOs]--- -- -[ Project fy ||| CyberTux ]
Try this thread.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
Hmm..forgot to press at the end of my .h file.
Now it works.

IMHO, that is just plain retarded.
I would have thought the thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters that write the Microsoft apps would be smart enough to either a) inform the user of said app that no linefeed has been added, or b) add one in for you, can you say autofix batman?!?

Well, at least now it works, thanks!

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