
Sync Music to OpenGl Scene rendered

Started by June 15, 2002 09:00 PM
2 comments, last by CyBerian 22 years, 8 months ago
Hello, first I wanted to say that NeHe''s Site is great. I started learning OpenGL just one week ago. Nehe''s Page helped me to learn a lot about this somehow new things to me . Just go on NeHe. But I have got a question now, i can''t find an answer to in NeHe''s Tutorial neither on other sites I searched for this topic. I want to get Information about the music I am playing. So that I could create some kind of Spectrum analyser like the one Nehe wrote in his "dancequad" program. He used the bass.dll to playback the file. I am using the same Library in my projects. Can anybody explain to me how to get the information of the played musik back to create a spectrum analyser or something like this. I hope someone can help me out with this little problem sign CyBerian
sign CyBerian
sorry, I dont know the answer to your question. But it might be a good idea to post this into the general programming forum as well. Since it''s not directly related to openGl, I just think you might get a wider response. your call

fmod got alot of info stuff in their music lib....
You should try it.....

- -- ---[XaOs]--- -- -

[ project fy ]
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