
[java] Formating cosole output

Started by March 16, 2000 03:45 PM
1 comment, last by Zumichu 24 years, 6 months ago
well basically my subject line is my question. How do you format standard output in java. can you set the width of a certain field of text for example.
[I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be]
As far as I can tell the PrintStream class has no provision for formatting output. The best you could probably do is to preformat the output yourself using Strings, and output the Strings. Of course I only have a Java 1.0 reference with me. This may have changed in Java 2.0
I don''t think they''ve changed it either. What you could do is figure out how wide you want your strings to run, and override toString() of the given object or System.out.println(). The toString or println method would make sure that your text is shorter than a certain width, and if it isn''t, add line breaks and tabs to your desire.

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