
Data Conversion - aaaargh!

Started by June 10, 2002 01:20 PM
1 comment, last by pan narrans 22 years, 6 months ago
I have a value (long FPS) that I need to pass to a PrintToScreen function that accepts char * (PrintToScreen(char *)). Unfortunately, I''m rubbish at converting data values and the VC++ help files are hard to navigate if you don''t know exactly what you are looking for. I tried passing (char*)&FPS but the result was gibberish. I suspect this is because I am converting the type but not the actual data stored in memory. For instance, if FPS is 30, I need the char value to be "30". I know the answer will probably be simplistic but I would appreciate any help. Cheers, pan narrans
Minister of Propaganda : : Nobody likes the man who brings bad news - Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC), Antigone
You need to convert your long into a string (array of characters).

This can be done using sprintf or itoa, which you should be able to type in, highlight, and press F1 to get help on.

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How To Ask Questions The Smart Way | Google can help with your question | Search MSDN for help with standard C or Windows functions
I knew it would be simple:

char buffer[3];
_itoa( FPS, buffer, 10 );
PrintToScreen( buffer );

Just posted the solution in case anyone ever searches for it

Thanx siaspete
Minister of Propaganda : : Nobody likes the man who brings bad news - Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC), Antigone

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