i have always wanted to make a game that is completely battle mode(multiplayer)
you would be able to custimeze every thing weaponds on map there location create you own map nuimber of lives speed of weapond projectiles damadge done by each weapond clip size gun''s clip capacity player health, player speed, gravity and anything else you want
any comments
Everything sounds "easy" except the design your own level part.
Having a static list of weapons, or just a limited number of capabilities (splash damage, linear inifinite speed, guided, etc.), would make your task a lot easier.
But designing your own level... hmm.. that I see as pretty difficult to set up so that anyone can use it easily.
The rest of the parameters (health, damage, etc.) are pretty doable I think.
As for whether or not it would be a landbreaking popular game really depends on the interesting spins you can put on it.
It would also be interesting to see what kinds of arrangements of weapon capabilities players would find most popular.
[edited by - Waverider on June 9, 2002 11:00:45 PM]
Having a static list of weapons, or just a limited number of capabilities (splash damage, linear inifinite speed, guided, etc.), would make your task a lot easier.
But designing your own level... hmm.. that I see as pretty difficult to set up so that anyone can use it easily.
The rest of the parameters (health, damage, etc.) are pretty doable I think.
As for whether or not it would be a landbreaking popular game really depends on the interesting spins you can put on it.
It would also be interesting to see what kinds of arrangements of weapon capabilities players would find most popular.
[edited by - Waverider on June 9, 2002 11:00:45 PM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
i have posted a question as to witch catigorys players would like to custimize the most on several sites and will post replays summary later
June 10, 2002 12:12 AM
quote: Original post by bdc256
i have always wanted to make a game that is completely battle mode(multiplayer)
you would be able to custimeze every thing weaponds on map there location create you own map nuimber of lives speed of weapond projectiles damadge done by each weapond clip size gun''s clip capacity player health, player speed, gravity and anything else you want
any comments
Commas, periods, capital letters, or hyphens, I don''t care what, just use something.
I would also add the weapon visual effects, cause it''ll be really stupid to have every weapon look alike.
Perhaps some npc''s on the map with weapons and ai of their own, or just some dangerous fauna and flora?
Victory Conditions should be specified.
Oh, I assume you''re talking about fps''s, but there''s a fun game called XPilot(do a search) which is similar to what you want, but I don''t think there''s any user-created stuff but there is a large variety of weapons to keep you interested and you can set the values for a couple of hundred of variables I think. I would suggest downloading it just to see what kind of variables there are to think about. Actually, everything you list in your post can be changed.
there would be diffrent weaponds with diffrent visuals
and npc''s with their own weaponds sounds good
the user would be able to customize victory conditions
and npc''s with their own weaponds sounds good
the user would be able to customize victory conditions
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Commas, periods, capital letters, or hyphens, I don''t care what, just use something.
Well that was uncalled for.
I would also add the weapon visual effects, cause it''ll be really stupid to have every weapon look alike.
This is a good point, perhaps in your base game include several weapon models/sprites and then when players are creating their game they choose from those models for each created weapon--then any other players joining the game would be able to review a list of weapons including their image, before joining and/or while loading/connecting.
Perhaps some npc''s on the map with weapons and ai of their own, or just some dangerous fauna and flora?
Hunter Hunted (by Sierra, I think) had turrets and stuff like dripping acid on the deathmatch maps.
Victory Conditions should be specified.
That could also be configurable by the player, he probably just neglected to mention that in his first post. It would be interesting to include a scripting language and see what type of non-standard gameplay types players could come up with.
This sounds kind of interesting to me.
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Dan Upton
WNDCLASSEX Reality;......Reality.lpfnWndProc=ComputerGames;......RegisterClassEx(&Reality);Unable to register Reality...what's wrong?---------Dan Uptonhttp://0to1.org
quote: Original post by draqza
Well that was uncalled for.
How was that uncalled for? The original poster needs to either slow his typing down to the point where he can actually form comprehensible sentences, or completely re-learn the fundamentals of the English language.
I''m afraid the original poster''s syntax threw up quite a few errors going through my compiler too.
after 1 day the replays show this
most wanted - custimizable maps
other big topics
damadge custimazation
gravity custimazation
control of speed of objects
most wanted - custimizable maps
other big topics
damadge custimazation
gravity custimazation
control of speed of objects
quote: Original post by bdc256
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Commas, periods, capital letters, or hyphens, I don''t care what, just use something.
Fixed it for you:
i ha;ve always ,wa,,,,nted to mak..e. a game That is completely battle m..................ode(multiplayer).
yo''u woul;d be able to cust!im,,...,eze every thing''; weap''onds on map .there ;locati''on crea''te you'' own map nui''mber of lives ,speed of ''we'' i take dr.ugs'' apond p.,r''ojectiles d''amadge done by each we''a;pond clip s.can''t type ize gun''s clip capacity playe,..''r health, playe.,,r s''peed, g''.ravity a''nd a''nythi''ng el''se you wa''nt
any comments!!!!!!!!!!!
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