
Create an alpha-only surface in DirectX?

Started by March 15, 2000 05:25 AM
1 comment, last by Thomas 24 years, 11 months ago
Hello All!! How can I create an alpha-only surface in DirectX? Please tell me... Thomas
i think you set the pixelformat flag with DDSCAPS_ALPHA.
I have tried it but DirectX have returned a error DDERR_INVALIDCAPS. Actually, I wanted to display a 3D model with the bitmap and the alpha bitmap in 16 BPP display model, so I thought that I should create one alpha-only surface and one surface to store them, and use alpha blend and multi-texture function in DirectX to show the 3D model. Am I right? or have any better method? or have any good source for me to do this? Thank your help!!


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