

Started by March 14, 2000 01:47 PM
1 comment, last by doctor_b 24 years, 11 months ago
hey, i am using d3dx and i want to know how to use a matrix to rotate, scale and translate primitives, can someone help me out? -----------------------------
oh yeah also, if anyone can help me in creating a view matrix too, that would help, so i can get started on making a 1st person 3d world type thing, thanks

Hey this is what you do,
1) see the dx manual. it''s got stuff on rotations.
2) if you need code: go to ....mssdk\samples\multimedia\src\d3dim\d3dframe\ in your install of SDK.
there is matrix helper funcs for rotation,scaling, translate,view matrix.
if your a C++ freak, write a class to wrap matrixs together.

If you need actual code, I can help. (send another post.)

Gotta go.

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