
model loading

Started by June 01, 2002 03:59 PM
1 comment, last by Piotr_Haratym 22 years, 6 months ago
hi - im palnning to write my first true engine, i think i know about ogl what i need(ok, i want to know more, and more, and more, but there is one but - i have to load models. my models must contain animation info(i think bones&joints, but i dnot know other ways), and meshes - what file types to import do u suggest, i '' ve heard about 3DS, and MD2(3) files - whre can i find info about it, easy to understand but complex(more than nehe tut on md2), ty all
well...I have the book Open GL Game Programming. Theres like a whole chapter on MD2. Obviously, you dont buy a whole book for one chapter. It is $60 too. Although I still suggest you get it. You will most likely use it for more than MD2, I bet it will totally help you. Oh yeah, it comes with 2 CD-Roms too. Its 777 pages of goodness.
-oompa loomparea51
well...I have the book Open GL Game Programming. Theres like a whole chapter on MD2. Obviously, you dont buy a whole book for one chapter. It is $60 too. Although I still suggest you get it. You will most likely use it for more than MD2, I bet it will totally help you. Oh yeah, it comes with 2 CD-Roms too. Its 777 pages of goodness.
-oompa loomparea51

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