
What career direction should I take?

Started by March 13, 2000 11:47 PM
0 comments, last by Metolo 24 years, 11 months ago
What course in university should I take? What exactly do you do in Computer Science? Whats the course about? If I''m opting for a career in programming, then what course should I take?
> What course in university should I take?

To be a programmer takes more than one course (usually).

> What exactly do you do in Computer Science?

You learn the theoretical aspects of programming (algorithms, data structures, object oriented programming, language parsing, staying up all night trying to finish by the 8:00 am deadline). You probably will use languages like Ada and Modula-2, but the purpose of university courses is not to teach you the syntax of a language (you should be able to pick that up quickly).

> Whats the course about?

Many different things. You will write many simple usless programs, programs that demonstrate knowledge of theoretical things, parts of operating systems, language parsers and compilers, and (if your college has the right course or as a senior project) even games.

> If I''m opting for a career in programming, then what
> course should I take?

What kind of programming do you want to do? If you want to make games (why else be on this board?), you will need a wide area of knowledge. Courses on graphics, user interface design, parsing, and artificial inteligence would all be useful (but these are all 3rd or 4th year classes). You will also need to be familiar with the language you are using (usually C++). It is possible to learn this all on your own, but it would take lots of time and dedication.

Grandpa Simpson - "I never thought I could shoot down a German plane, but last year I proved myself wrong!"
---Grandpa Simpson - "I never thought I could shoot down a German plane, but last year I proved myself wrong!"

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