
Chrono Trigger

Started by May 30, 2002 05:54 PM
42 comments, last by aramstudios 22 years, 8 months ago
no I never finished CC. I bought the game but instead of using my PS I used an emulator (to get better gfx, and so I can chat :D ), but had some issue with saving that sometimes wouldnt save right. I was in the 2nd CD already (which I heard it wasnt nowhere as long as the 1st one), but I lost my save, and the emulator issue left me just where you get Lynx.

oh yeah an unofficial CT sequel would be really good.

- ZeroX

Chosker - Developer of Elium - Prison Escape

Yes, Chrono Trigger is one of the best RPG I have ever played. Whoever thinks FF is good is out of his mind. Other than just blasting you with graphics, FF has lost its gameplay originality. okies, ppl will get mad at me saying this... but I really think CT has a lot more in it than FF series, graphics aside, imho. =)

Correct me if I am wrong, the sequel to CT is Chrono Cross? btw, I know of someone who was very pissed that Chrono and Marle didn''t kiss in the end. =)
ChronoTrigger is awesome as a stand-alone game. If it had gone through 10 sequels plus half a dozen spin-offs, however, it would have suffered just as badly as Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy 6, 7, and 10 are all better than ChronoTrigger, though, in my humble opinion.

If you want a REALLY good (almost as good as CT) non-FF game by Square, you should try Seiken Densetsu 3.
First of all, every Crono game that has come out has been good at usually at the end of a console''s game life. Break will be the first exception but I think it will be awesome anyways... I also like how Square is releasing Saga Unlimited at the same time because I love the Sagas (anyone who''s played them and are able to beat them has skills) and in regards to SD3 the Sieken Densetsu series has always rocked. I loved SD4 and hope to see the next in the line...
Is there any relevance to Game Design here, or are you just gonna keep going on about how good it is?

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SD4 would have been the best game ever made if it had been more challenging. It was still pretty good, though...

More relevant to the original post, I think that a ChronoTrigger spinoff should have multiplayer support. When someone attempts to use a multi-character tech that uses [one of?] your character, you should be able to answer yes or no rather than having your character automatically dragged into it. I would also definitely like to see a ChronoTrigger game with 4, 5, 6, & 7 way Techs, but I think that this would take simply forever to design, let alone program, so that would be more or less out.<br><br>Was the person who suggested remaking ChronoTrigger serious, or was this just a "It would be awesome if…" post? Really, I'm seriously asking for an answer!<br><br><SPAN CLASS=editedby>[edited by - DuranStrife on June 10, 2002 6:22:53 PM]</SPAN>
Well, Duran, it might take a long time to design that much but if a bunch of us got together and designed a portion each, it wouldn''t be so bad.

Kylotan is of course, correct - there''s a low ratio of design relevance to this thread. C''mon guys, get with it.

What were the *worst* features of Chrono * that you would design out of any game you make in future?

When you talk about a remake, what''s your target platform & audience? I can see the PC RPGers way ahead of the field in a lot of respects. Am I right? Are we really just discussing the cool story and world of Chrono, or were there truly great design features to the game? If we were to remake it, would we throw out the old game design completely?
There was one thing that bothered me with CT... beating a boss would be impossibly difficult until you reach a certain level, and then it would be easy. It all depends on whether your indefinite supply of healing spells could keep up with the enemy''s attacks. Compare this with FF1 - the bosses were generally a lot easier than the dungeons you have to fight through to get to them. Even the final boss only had 2000 hp, and when you''re dealing 300 hp per attack, it doesn''t take long. The challenge was in surviving through the dungeons - the random battles were tough. There were a lot of random enemies who used death/petrify attacks.
I think a few more playabvle characters would have been a nice addition to ct. I don''t think bosses should be made easier. I like a challenging boss fight.
you found the bosses hard? The only one i had a problem with was giga gaia. He was a bitch
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