
Simplest Simplier Games for a Simpleminded Simpleton ???

Started by May 30, 2002 10:20 AM
3 comments, last by DomainMaster 22 years, 7 months ago
Just looking for Simple game ideas that can be done with statements, functions, and random numbers. Thanks!!! - I get Simplefied!!! - Boy are you stupid or something???
-paper rock sissors
-guess the number
-hang man
-tic tac toe
-guess the word
uhm.....this is nothing......sorry! just a test for <br><br><SPAN CLASS=editedby>Please don't hijack other peoples threads to test forum features. If you must make a test post to see if you understand how to use a tag please do it in the lounge and then delete your post afterwards.</SPAN><br><br><SPAN CLASS=editedby>[edited by - michalson on May 30, 2002 11:42:33 AM]</SPAN>
Rock Paper Scissors, followed by Guess the Number are good programs to do if you're new to programming. When your done these you should feel comfortable with simple logic statements (= , > , < as well as the else operator) and basic loop structures while(tries<20) . From there you can move on to some simple graphics by coding Pong (Learn the basics of the game loop, how to use structures, and game logic like collisions). From there I would try a few more simple games before you start going advanced (3D graphics). Games like Tetris, Nibbles (the snake game on the cell phone) and Breakout will help build your problem solving and coding skills.

[edited by - michalson on May 30, 2002 12:00:43 PM]
a text-rpg is extremely easy, I did my first with about 10 global ints, three functions (excl. main() ), some if()s and cin/cout. Nice and simple. Although, it wasn''t really that hard to play, ''cause I made it myself I knew that there was a few patterns of number,enter,number,enter,number,enter that would never get me killed, regardless of what the random number returned!

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