
Java, C++, and Windows programming.

Started by March 13, 2000 03:00 PM
5 comments, last by Wyvern 24 years, 11 months ago
I''m not sure how to phrase this , but... I''m second year comp sci student, and i wish it program games for windows. At the moment I am learning Java in one of my classes, which seems pretty straight forward at the moment, and I was wondering if C++ is simular classes wise to Java, as I would prefer to use C++ when programming. I was also wondering which people think is better for programming in windows(I''m not worried about portablitiy at this point). I think that covers it, Thanks
Java is very close to C++, syntax wise. There''s a few more additionaly concepts such as pointers, but overall, it''s pretty easy to move from one to another.

By far it''s easier to program Win32 in C++ rather than Java. Especially as you''d need a special compiler to turn the Java code into something that will execute without the JVM.
Hey, SiCrane, I was wondering about that. What compiler can be used to make windows .exes out of Java code?
[I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be]
Visual J++ 6.0 builds .exe''s

"Why am I the only one on the away team with a red shirt!?"

-- What would Sweetness do?
As far as I know Visual Studio (at least 6) and symantec Visual Cafe prof edition support converting class files to executables. But I''m sure there are more compact utilities.

Jaap Suter
____________________________Mmmm, I''ll have to think of one.
I don''t think that Visual J++ can build .exes, at least I never managed to be able to do it.
Symantec''s Visual Cafe can definately do it though. There''s also a Cygwin port of gcc that can do it.

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