
What do you think about X-Box ?

Started by March 13, 2000 09:02 AM
15 comments, last by Paladin 24 years, 11 months ago
First time in my life I believe that Microsoft is producting something that might be pretty nice product The technical aspects of X-Box are great, and for a while I was little worried that if Microsoft is producing "only gaming PC", what is going to happen for normal PC games ? Personally, I believe that Microsoft won''t stop the Direct-X support of Windows *whateverversion*, because it''s so easy to port between X-Box and PC. Also, this helps the companies to develope little bit better performance (atleast) for Nvidia accelerator products. X-Box sounds pretty great, but couple of questions: -When is the publishing day ? -What kind of platform does it use ? (Windows CE ?) -Is there internet support, and how fast ? (I think that there is LAN card ?)

- I don''t think they''ve got a release date yet, since it''s pretty new
- It will be using a windows like OS based on the Win2000 kernel
- It will have internet support and a 100Mps network card

If you want to get more info about X-box, I suggest you read the previous postings about it here or visit

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
I read an article bout it on I think its released in the fall 2001.
check out
It's got a 100 Mbps Ethernet card.
I've heard that it'll run on Win2k, but don't quote me on that..

looks like we all got to that one at the same time...

Edited by - fuzzyai on 3/13/00 9:25:24 AM
My personal thought on the X-Box is "I''ll believe it when I see it." Its hard for me to take seriously anything that Microsoft says almost 18 months in advance. (Such as release dates, technical specs, etc.) If nothing changes it''ll probably be a good product.
"...Microsoft is producting something that might be a pretty nice product..."

Really? I''d hold out on that judgement for now. Contrary to computer gaming, hardware means next to NOTHING in console gaming. The PlayStation has 2MB of RAM and a 2x CD-ROM (poor thing is always streaming). Take a look at some of the games and engines on the PlayStation...makes you marvel at the skills of the PlayStation developers at Square, Capcom, and Konami, just to name a few. (Naughty Dog also.)

It''d be nice to see a decent micros~1 product, but just imagine seeing the blue screen of death and a stack/reg dump just as you make it past that really tough boss...uh-uh. I''ll stick with Sony.

But that''s just my opinion.

Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
----------------------------------------Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
While I also thought about what you stated on your post, there''s a reason why a Playstation can have such cool games with 2Mb video RAM and 2x CD-ROM: It works on a TV! TV''s have NOWHERE near the resolution of most windows desktops.
It''s around 320x240, just that we don''t notice "the pixels" on the screen. That''s also why TV-Out is often so bad/blurry. It''s why Video CD''s seem so much "sharper" on a TV, because it''s running at a low resolution. Next time you play Tekken 3, watch the smoke that rises when you fall on the ground, it looks like 12 semitransparent blocks,
The cd load times aren''t that bad for 2x because the textures being loaded are smaller.

That said, and this being my first official post to GameDev, i''m really excited at what the X-Box will do with a 600Mhz processor and a nVidia graphics chip! Just imagine how fast any game runs on a computer with a 320x240 resolution...whoa.

I think that it''s specs look sweet (wait a minute, that''s better than my computer!!! ). But I think that it''s basically just a computer that only plays games. I have one question: why? Do the guys over at M$ think they aren''t making enough money?

Commander M
they want to "dominate" another industry, it''s as simple as that. by dominate, i mean monopolize.
Lets talk about domination....NINTENDO requires developers to have alot of published games before even giving you a developers kit. Sega has some pretty strict rules but they''ve recently modified them saying that anyone who can afford the price of their development system can develop for their console. Sony has been a little more leanient offering a "Black Hobbiests" version of the Playstation but you couldn''t actualy distribute games made with it.

Now lets talk about price fixing....You can goto Toys R US, K-Mart, Walmart, Electronics Botique and all the like.....and the dream cast still sells for $199, the N64 and PSX are around $99 right now. Their console prices almost NEVER go down until the company''s next generation console debuts.

It looks to me as though current console''s have a pretty good "Monopoly" themselves. When things like Bleem! threaten their hold on the market they get sued. I think it''s about time a company like Microsoft started shaking the tree. It can only lead to better options and prices for the consumer. That''s what competition does.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.

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