Monster 3D II w/ Windows 2000
This has nothing to do with game programming, but I have a computer on my network with Windows 2000 on it. My dad refuses to install Windows 98 on it, and I don''t think Windows 2000 will support my Diamond Monster 3d II voodoo 2 card. Does anybody know of any drivers for this or how to get them working?
You can get voodoo2 beta drivers for Windows 2000 at
I wouldn''t use the voodoo2 beta drivers. They''re probably some of the worst drivers I have seen, and they kill your card. Info is constantly being sent to the card as it is active at all times (due to Microsoft not supporting detached devices). My advice is to search the net and use the NT 4 reference drivers and the Windows 2000 hacked drivers. At least that way your card is safe and you have Glide and OGL.
Thanks for the info. But I have a question. Do these beta drivers actually physically damage my card? And Saruman mentioned NT 4 reference drivers and Windows 2000 hacked drivers. Where would I get those?
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