Mangled bitmaps when blitting sprite in video memory!
Help! I am unable to get sprites (BOB's) to display properly when loaded into VRAM using the following code. Only those of 800x600 the resolution that my game is set at - will display properly; almost all other types of bitmaps will be severly mangled. However, when loaded into system memory, everything is perfect (but slow).
This is code from a slightly modified version of Andre Lamothe's WGPDUMB game engine running in 16-bit colour.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
int Create_BOB(BITMAP_OBJ_PTR bob, // the bob to create
int width, int height) // size of BOB
// Create the BOB object, note that all BOBs
// are created as offscreen surfaces in VRAM as the
// default, if you want to use system memory then
// set flags equal to DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY
DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; // used to create surface
if (bob->status == BOB_CREATED) // Destroy the BOB if it has already
Destroy_BOB (bob); // been created
// set state and attributes of BOB
bob->image = NULL;
// set position to 0
bob->x = bob->y = 0;
// set to access caps, width, and height
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
// set dimensions of the new bitmap surface
ddsd.dwWidth = bob -> surfaceWidth = bob->width = width;
ddsd.dwHeight = bob -> surfaceWidth = bob->height = height;
// set surface to offscreen plain
ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN; // Try to store in VRAM if it won't be mangled
// create the surface
// if (lpdd->CreateSurface(&ddsd,&(bob->image),NULL)!=DD_OK)
// return(0);
// set color key to bright pink
DDCOLORKEY colour_key; // used to set color key
colour_key.dwColorSpaceLowValue = rgb16bpp (31,0,31);
colour_key.dwColorSpaceHighValue = rgb16bpp (31,0,31);
// now set the color key for source blitting
(bob->image)->SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, &colour_key);
// Make the whole bitmap invisible
FillSurface(bob->image, colour_key.dwColorSpaceLowValue);
bob->status = BOB_CREATED;
// return success
} // end Create_BOB
Edited by - Peregrine on 3/12/00 11:38:20 PM
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