
555 or 565 in 16 bits?

Started by March 12, 2000 08:00 PM
2 comments, last by cyberg 25 years ago
hello, i need to know how to determine if the 16 bits mode used by the video card is represented in 555 or 565 bit mode with directx7, and i cant find it, someone can help me please??? cyberg
Sorry can''t help much. I''m still learning 8bit mode (slowly going to 16bit). But I''ve seen doc/help/code uses pixelformat (obtain from surface description) to determine it with masking & shifting bits.

Happy trying.
"after many years of singularity, i'm still searching on the event horizon"
The directX SDK documentation has some info on it...But you can d/l the code to the 3D iso engine in 2d and it has a code snippet within the DirectDraw startup code.

"When people tell you to tell the truth, you know that their lying."
If you had your RGB values as 5,5,5 then it would be 15 bit colour, not 16 bit. I''ve never used 15 bit, but I think DirectX can inadvertently use 5,5,5 as "16 bit" (which is, needless to say, incorrect). I''ve found the mask values and so on in the DirectX 7.0 documentation - so they are there. Look up DDPIXELFORMAT, and navigate the links in the See Also section until you find the list.

Even when you do find the different layouts, they vary between computers (a fact that is quite annoying), so you''ll end up having to use the DDPIXELFORMAT structure and determining the masks anyway - you can''t rely completely upon 5,5,5 or 5,6,5.


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