
i need a tutorial

Started by May 26, 2002 04:03 PM
7 comments, last by danz 22 years, 4 months ago
anyone knows where i could find a good linux glut tutorial
GLUT is the same on every platform, so you don''t really need a "linux glut tutorial" . It looks like NeHe still doesn''t have the ports of his tutorials back online, so I can''t suggest that... Maybe you can find a mirror of them somewhere?


Oh wait, wrong web board, I thought this was /.
Hitchhiker90"There's one bitch in the world, one bitch with many faces" -- Jay"What are you people, on dope?" -- Mr. Hand
Try this.
you misunderstood me

i have problem compiling glut apps, unless they are in the glut test/demo directory.

i need to know how to set up all the libraries, so the compilation would work
Still sounds like a case for rtfm, but of your compiler switches.

I''ve not used linux for a few years now so I''m quite hazy, but try adding -lgl -lglu -lglut to your compiler command line. If that doesn''t work you probably don''t have libgl libglu or libglut in your lib dir. /usr/local/lib perhaps?

Someone who knows what they''re talking about please correct me...

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ok, i fixed the gl glu glut problem

however, i seem to need these libs as well : Xmu, Xi
anyone knows where could i get them?
They''re part of X and you likely have them on your system. Add -L/usr/X11R6/lib to your flags (before the -l flags) and see if that fixes it.

Hope this helps.
found those using locate

they were in another directory, just copied them to the distro lib directory

damn, it''s such a mess when using a distro, better make LFS soon

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