Odd problem...
I''m using BC++. I got an odd problem on loading info from text files. I do this:
text file:
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah
The first 2 lines correspond to the name and the description of the room. The 4 next lines corresponde to the exits, and the rest correspond to the items on the room. I do this to load it:
ifstream infile("1.rom");
infile.getline(name, 50); //Name of the room
infile.getline(desc, 255); //Description of the room
infile >> room.exits[0]; //Room link to north exit
infile >> room.exits[1]; //Room link to south exit
infile >> room.exits[2]; //Room link to east exit
infile >> room.exits[3]; //Room link to west exit
infile >> room.objects[0]; //First object
infile >> room.objects[1]; //etc...
infile >> room.objects[2];
infile >> room.objects[3];
infile >> room.objects[4];
Well, when i print out the info i got from loading my text file It confuses 2 variables: room.exits[3] and room.objects[0]. room.exits[3] gets the value of room.objects[0], making mistakes on my game. I dont get what happened.
Let me guess... the declaration of exits in your class is int exits[3] instead of int exits[4], and is followed by int objects[5]...
Since the exits array has only 3 elements, the address of exits[3] is the same as that of objects[0].
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Since the exits array has only 3 elements, the address of exits[3] is the same as that of objects[0].
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