
Loading chars[]...

Started by May 21, 2002 12:27 PM
13 comments, last by Ragadast 22 years, 7 months ago
I''m making a short text RPG and I load the rooms info from text files. I put all the room description in a single line, so It''s easy to read, but I get the problem when I cout it. For example: Text file: You are in a big square. You suddenly feel that.... And I want it to cout: You are in a big square. You suddenly feel that... I tried putting ''/n'' after the "You", but it just outputs "You ''/n'' suddenly feel that...". Is there a way to end the line after the "You" without making more lines of description in the text file?
It''s \n not /n
Try ''\n''. Notice that''s a backslash, not a forward slash.

Also, before anyone gets a little violent about char []''s and strings, mebbe just have a look at std::string. Much easier to work with in most cases.
I tried ''\n'' with and without quotes and it didnt work
The easiest way to do what you want (convert the \n''s in the file to new lines) is the following:

  char readBuffer[512];char dispBuffer[512];fgets( readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer), fp );  // read from filesprintf( dispBuffer, readBuffer ); // copy to new bufferputs( dispBuffer); // display buffer  

One caveat: you have to be careful about %''s in your string - they will be treated as format indicators. Just make sure you use two if you need one. (%% instead of %).
Ha. What am I, nuts? That totally doesn''t work.
You''re probably going to need to put actual carriage return chracters in your text file and write your read in code as a loop. Sorry.
You''re probably going to need to put actual carriage return chracters in your text file and write your read in code as a loop. Sorry.
I got an idea, but I need to know how to convert a char[] to a string. Any idea?
Or could always do something cheesy but simple like use ~ to represent a carriage return in the text file and then go through each line when you read it in ''n replace all the tildes with \n...

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