
Questions about C

Started by March 10, 2000 08:38 PM
12 comments, last by Assassin101 25 years ago
okokok im learning C right now because i only have a book on The C programming language. I will be learning C++ sooner or later, but i have a question. Is there a way to make graphical games in C, and can you make windows programs in C. just a few simple questions. I have already made a simple trivia game but that about it. If you want to find out more about my trivia game go to
Yes you can make grephical games in C. I beleve that Quake and possibly Quake 2 were programmed in C. As for windows I''m not 100% sure but I''d be very surprised if you had to use C++ to make Win programs.
------------------------------"My sword is like a menacing cloud, but instead of rain, blood will pour in its path." - Sehabeddin, Turkish Military Commander 1438.
hey man!

Yes you can make games with c. Infact Quake3 was made in C!! And yes you can make windows programs in C too!


cool thanx. But one thing is borland C++ 5.02 any good, and im making a trivia game like this
printf("?\na. ?\tb. ?\nc. ?\td. ?\n");
answer = getchar();
switch (answer){
case ''a'':
x = 1000;
case ''b'':
printf("? $%d.\n", x);
case ''c'':
printf("?$%d.\n", x);
case ''d'':
printf("?$%d.\n", x);

ok and i have multiple strings set up like that, but i want to know how do i make it so that different files are selected all the time, like lets say i have 10 questions like this how do i make it so that it doesnt always display them in the same order, note the code should be in C, and are u sure quake was coded with C because C++ has been around since ?1978? so I think they might have used C++ but i think Doom or Wolfenstien 3D was coded in C. Does anybody here know anysties were to get info on C coding, im going up a ladder and i will learn C later. Plus im only 13 so im learning through books. thx
I think Quake3 was coded in C because i have seen the source code, and it doesnt use iostream.h or any of the other C++ functions, and how would you be able to program window programs in C. Please, thx
yes, Quake was coded in C. In fact, it was compiled using the freeware DJGPP compiler. I am not sure about Quake 2 or 3.
My HomepageSome shoot to kill, others shoot to mame. I say clear the chamber and let the lord decide. - Reno 911
Quake 2 and 3 for Win32 were done in Visual C++. 6.0, most likely. As for MacOS and Linux...MacOS is probably CodeWarrior and Linux...gcc.
Erm....Quake 3 was definitely not done in C.
The source code you saw was for the user-programmable modules (probably the DLL version; but carmack made his own language also), and doesn''t use iostream.h etc. because it doesn''t need to and was kept simple.
Besides, many times carmack has posted some C++ code on QuakeFinger
Quakes 1-3 were done completely in C, aside from some assembly used for the graphics engine I think.
hmmm. Assembly language. That Sucks. One thing I dont get is that if they used an Assembler they would have to compile the game multiple times for different processors like the Athlons and Pentiums which have different architectures???. (sorry bout my spelling). Also why does C have to be so complicated??????????? And will you guys answer my question already. The Athlons are a new type of x86 or x87 ??i think??. BTW Quake3 rulez.

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