// FileTags.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.////#include "stdafx.h" //I''ve commented this out - unneccessary for example#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int Terminator = '';'';int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int iTagCounter = 1; char *strTextFile = "Name=Yoda; Age=900; Gender=Undetermined;"; char strParams[80] = ""; char *strStart = NULL; char *strStop = NULL; int iCharsToCopy = 0; //Load the text into strFileText. do { strStart = strstr(strTextFile,argv[iTagCounter]); // Position of Tag within String strStart += strlen(argv[iTagCounter]); // Advance start pointer to end of tag strStop = strchr(strStart,Terminator); // Position of first terminator after Tag iCharsToCopy = strStop - strStart; // Number of Characters from Tag to Terminator strncat(strParams,strStart,iCharsToCopy); // Copy N chars from strStart printf("Tag = ''%s'' \n",argv[iTagCounter]); // Output Tag printf("Parameter = ''%s'' \n",strParams); // Output Parameter iTagCounter++; //Move onto next Tag } while (argc<iTagCounter); return 0;}