
Problem: far away object disapear

Started by May 13, 2002 02:17 AM
2 comments, last by iamtio 22 years, 9 months ago
Hello, I''m new to game developing and need some help. I was reading the great tutorial on this web. and made a simple sphere then managed to combine key functions. when I push the upper arrow key, my sphere goes away in -Z direction, at some point, the sphere just vanishes which I dont want it to. How do I avoid this problem? Which tutorial should I read? Thanks for your help
You can try increasing your far clipping distance.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name

Well, simply search in the opengl-init-code a command
like gluPerspective(..) and the last parameter is the
far-clipping plane, when you use nehe tuts then the
current value should be 100, and when you want want
to set it farer away then you set it to 200 or so...
Thanks, the problem solved.

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