Manual Paint/Floodfill? Help... :)
how would you manually do a floodfill on a video buffer or the screen? i have an idea that a recursive solution is appropriate, but i can''t really think of how to do it... i probably could, given time to worry about it and much fewer other things, but this isn''t something i want to re-invent... thanks. btw, i was hoping that it would be able to fill a circle or some weird shape w/o going out of bounds... Know what i mean? ... gotta go.
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its kindda stupid to use a recursive flood fill
you better try some scanline algos they are good both for rectangle forms and for circles and coded wisely are very fast, too, as they are integer usually.
there should be lots of code about these algos -
try the or programmersheaven
you could try, too - its my site, but not much finished
you better try some scanline algos they are good both for rectangle forms and for circles and coded wisely are very fast, too, as they are integer usually.
there should be lots of code about these algos -
try the or programmersheaven
you could try, too - its my site, but not much finished

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