Original post by LordKaT
set the timeval in select() to 0 instead of using NULL.
That has nothing to do with making a socket nonblocking.
Original post by LordKaT
just out of curiosity, why didnt you just ask how to make a socket nonblocking in the first place?)
Because that wasn''t the point of this thread. The point of this thread was to discuss select() with those who are using it. It evolved to where it is currently discussing making sockets nonblocking.
Stevens uses fctnl(). Windows does not have this. Windows has ioctlsocket(), which is Windows'' name for ioctl, which can change socket parameters.
Right now in this thread, I am now trying to determine if ioctlsocket() is what I am looking for.
I certainly am not interested in WSAASyncSelect() and that paradigm.