
decided to have some fun: driveable vehicle :)

Started by May 06, 2002 06:33 AM
70 comments, last by RipTorn 22 years, 9 months ago

I''m on my new laptop (just arrived) and I tried the demo on this baby. It plays like a dream!

I don''t know the numbers for fullscreen mode, but it played >60 fps windowed on WinXP, 1.8 GHz P4, GeForce 4 440 GO, 256 RAM.

This was only the first run... I''m goin'' back for more!!


although I''m sorry to dissapoint people, I''ve decided to put the project on hold. I started it sooooo long ago that my inital plans have been well exceeded, and as such, the code has got to a point where most of it has been rewritten 5 times, and it''s unreliable... So, I''ve decided that I will create a new core ''base code'' engine from scratch (about 50% done)...
I''ll probably release this as a lib. Just as the base code to this demo was going to be.
My first project off of it will be a space shooter.. Then I''ll remake this, just a lot better and faster.
I''m really looking forward to making the space game.. I tried to make it a long time ago, but I didn''t have the knowlege. Now I do, and with the features of this engine in it (just better) all sorts of crazy stuff will be easily possible. Should be good fun.

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