
decided to have some fun: driveable vehicle :)

Started by May 06, 2002 06:33 AM
70 comments, last by RipTorn 22 years, 9 months ago
Original post by shurcool
i tried this demo, and although i''ve seen some nice comments about it''s performance, i get from about 3 - 0.1 (yes, it takes up to 10 secs to render a frame sometimes) fps. my comp specs:
p3 500
128 mb
ati radeon 8500 64 mb (equvalent, if not better, to a gf3)
i tried fullscreen modes, low res, everything, and it''s not the rendering that is so slow - it''s the physics. so... umm... to bad i didn''t get a chance to try it out.

umm... bah?

aha there we go. i did a little bit of investigating, and here''s what i found out:

Renderer Information:
Device: GDI Generic (Microsoft Corporation)
Device API Version: 1.1.0

hmm... not bad for a radeon 8500, is it? i''m assuming that that is where my problem (and also other ppl''s) lies. it probably tries to render all the in some software drivers (from micro$oft) or something, which is the reason for slow performance (right?).

have fun fixing that.

oh, and i was trying to enjoy it, when suddenly, for no apparent reason (oh yes, i was screwing w/ gravity, all right) and i know i DID NOT press f1 or anything of the sort, it goes to fullscreen mode (and speheres don''t show up, as you pointed out earlier).

if you need my help at all (to test it, or something), email me at and i''ll be glad to help you.


my project
Doesn''t seem to run on my comptuer much at all. 1fps mabye..if there textures? all I see is grey ground and white sky.

Athlon 1.4 ghz
Voodoo 5
384MB Ram.

same thing here... ~1 fps max.

Athlon @950 MHz
256 MBytes RAM
Voodoo5 5500 AGP (<-- problem?)
Windows 2K Pro w/ Service Pack 2

[edited by - glDino on May 14, 2002 4:00:22 PM]
Sounds like for some people the program is kicking into software rendering. It worked fine on my computer, with the only noticeable slowdown when you fall off of the edge, and the entire map was visible, and even then it wasn''t THAT bad. I would guess that I was getting ~25 fps fullscreen @ 800x600x32.

Athlon 550
GeForce 2 pro
WinXP pro

Nice little program by the way!

sorry for the late reply to everyone.

Looks like it may be bumping into software mode.
I''ll have to look into why the heck that could possibly be happening. :/

seems very odd though. I was getting a problem when that would happen a while ago, and it came down to the renderer being created too quickly after the screen had changed resolution... So maybe if I force in a few second delay things may clear up.

The new renderer should impress some people :-)
now to add grass.
pretty cool physics!

gave me an average of 50 fps @ 640x480

P III 500 Mhz
Riva TNT
128 Mb ram.
great demo! i would love to see how you did the acceleration i''ve been trying to do some good accel but cant, still learning alot of things though, or maybe there some good tutorials on accelerating vehicles that you could point me too,

oh and the 2nd demo run fine here, around 40fps in a 800x600 window on my gf2.
Accel is generally very simple to implement:
1) Store velocity as a vector (in the x, y and z), and add that to the position each logical frame.
2) Change the velocity each logical unit (if the "accel" button is pressed and conditions allow acceleration (eg, your wheels are touching the ground)) like this:

x_vel += accel_constant*x_component_of_direction_vector;
(and same for y and z)


Performance for me was 60ish on the first demo, 10ish on the second -- I think it''s definitely kicking into some software rendered for those gfx cards that still somewhat dislike opengl?

I''ve an ATI Radeon Mobility, 1ghz, 256 mb ram.
The question is not "why a talking monkey," but rather, "why not a talking monkey." -Monkey Island 4
My Voodoo 5 AGP works fine with OpenGL, counter-strike works awesome in the highest setting(Direct3d doesnt work though with CS.weird!)...guess it doesn''t like this demo though.
And I haven''t had problems with my Radeon and OGL, come to think of it .. I just associate ATI with bad OGL because I used to own an ATI Rage (which came very close to not *having* support for OGL). Yeah, I dunno what the problem is. Seems restricted to the voodoo and the Radeon, though ...
The question is not "why a talking monkey," but rather, "why not a talking monkey." -Monkey Island 4

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