I think I figured this out, so I''m going to go ahead and post up my solution right here for anyone else who might be curious about this. So stop reading now if you don''t care.

Alright, you want to use OpenGL for your blitting and stuff? Just to point out the advantages of this, you get to use your video card''s 3d acceleration to pull off everything you want to do 2d. This includes alpha blending and fun stuff like that. This is good thing.
So here''s what you do. To work exactly in pixels, like you would if you were using DirectDraw to do your stuff, you want to set up your projection matrix to reflect that. How do you do that, you ask? It''s easy. Say you''re working in 640x480. You then set up your projection matrix using a call to glOrtho, like so:
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);glLoadIdentity();glOrtho(0, 640, 0, 480, -100, 100);glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
Now, we have our projection matrix set up to do a parallel projection, which means no skewing of how things look because of perspectives and stuff like that. And since we set the matrix to have the same dimensions as the resolution we''re in, we can just specify coordinates by the pixel. Whoooohoooo!
Actually, I lied. OpenGL treats the lower left corner of the window as (0, 0), cause they like normal cartesian graphs. I haven''t actually gotten around to testing this yet, but I think this means you''ll have to change your y-coordinate a little to get things to display where you want. Specifically, you need to change it to (480-y). That''ll effectively flop the y-axis around so that it''s more where us graphics programmers are used to.
Of course, that''s entirely up to you. You don''t have to do it that way. You can use the backwards axis, I don''t care.

Umm... that''s about it, I think. I''m sure one could set up one''s projection matrix so that you can use relative coordinates instead of the absolute ones, possibly allowing for ease of supporting multiple resolutions in a 2d game. Filtering done by the graphics card could then scale your bitmaps for you. Hmm... the possibilities astound the mind.

Oh, and as for those last two numbers in the glOrtho call, those set up your near and far z-clipping planes, respectively. Since you won''t actually be passing z-coordinates to the card(will you?), these probably don''t matter. But those numbers work nicely

That''s it for me. Have a good night, and eat your carrots. You know you look at a monitor long enough you could use the extra beta-carotin(spelling?).
P.S. - I figured this out from reading through
Nehe''s latest font tutorial. They switch to absolute coordinates for text blitting in it.