
John Carmack?

Started by March 08, 2000 04:03 PM
66 comments, last by Fredric 24 years, 11 months ago
I keep on hearing about Jorn Carmack. What makes him so great with programming? So he took a laptop with him on his honeymoon- big deal. What makes Johny here so good? What projects has he worked on? Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Well some ones been locked in his closet for 30 years...
John carmack is the brains behind ....

Who let you Out?
(From your fellow Canadian)

Check out my project @

I''ve never heard of John Carmack until I found this message board, what else has he worked on besides Doom, Wolfenstein and Quake? Where is his website?

The guy is a god damned genious!
Or at least certainly gifted.
I don''t believe you guys never heard of him.
Who cares what else he worked on isn''t that enough?
That''s his company!!!

Check out my project @

He has a Ferrari F50 w/ twin turbos, and a turbo Ferrari Testarossa that produces over 1000 hp. Nuff said
I haven''t been locked up in a closet for 30 years... I''m only 15, and been programming for 1 month and a half! I didn''t know he made those amazing games! Quake 3 is my favorite FPS.... daaaaamn, that guy is amazing!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
The reason John Carmack is so well known is because he basically created the FPS genre. He was the one who figured out how to draw 3D worlds quickly enough to be rendered real-time on a computer. He did this using ray-casting. That''s where Wolfenstein 3D came from. From there, he made it faster and prettier, giving us Doom. Then he made the jump to 3D polygons, ala Quake. Most 3D games today descend from that technology. That''s what makes him cool

John Carmack is a genius! He basically invented the first-person shooter! It takes a lot of brains to come up with the math and programming technique of a first-person shooter all on your own. Especially when you''re making the first ever! My god, man! Have you been living in your basement!?

By the way, he also did the doom and quake seiries along with some other games that were made in the past by ID before Wolfensein.

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no fooling around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London
John Carmack is good programmer but a crapy game designer.
John Romero was the one behind all of his great games. I prefer to call them John Romero''s games.
Dunno but, I think id made the Commander Keen series too, can anyone confirm that?

I call them id softwares games

btw, anyone know how old carmack was when he started on Wolfenstein???

Martin Björklund

Edited by - Diemonex on 3/8/00 4:39:50 PM
Diemonex Games

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