
I learned C++ now what?

Started by May 02, 2002 06:56 PM
5 comments, last by MCreaver24 22 years, 10 months ago
What do I do after I learn C++? How do I make a game with my existing knowledge?
My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.
It would be a great help if you told us what this knowledge is that you have acquired. It is merely knowledge of the core language? Or have you gained something else?

Direct3D vs. OpenGL

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
>>What do I do after I learn C++? How do I make a game with my existing knowledge?

In order to tell you what to do next we need to know where you are. Not to be rude or anything but NONE of us has "learned" C++. We are constantly learning more each day.

What are you writing, Console apps or Win32 apps? What''s the most complex program you''ve written?

If you''re writing console apps then most people would recommend that your first game be TicTacToe or Hangman.

For Win32 you could do the same games or maybe a dice rolling game.
MSVC++ 6DirectX 7
Well, as stated above it depends on what''s your real level.
Are you programming using classes, pointers, the STL (Standard Template Library wich includes linked list, binary trees, vector containers) ? If you are using one of these thing then you can start doing some win32 apps. Otherwise you''re not advanced enough and it would be very difficult.

The second point is we need to know what you''re most interested in. Do you want to do some graphics coding, audio, AI, networking ... There''s a lot of things you can do with C/C++, you can even create your own OS. But I''d bet you want to develop games since you''re posting on this site. So here are some places you can start with : really great site, with great tuts, evryone will agree a lot of good articles look around

I started with nehe. It''s really great and you can learn a whole bunch of thing from his tuts (both C/C++ and opengl and game programming stuff, haven''t read them all yet).

hope this help a bit.

"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
if you learned c++, the sky is the limit. pick a graphics api and go crazy. it should be much easier learning it. also when you say "learn" you shuld state how much you learned. what have you already coded?

always state what your exsiting knowledge is if its pertinant to the question (as it is in this case). otherwise my suggestion would be, go learn more c++ and you will eventually see what you need to do next, and programming as a whole will be clearer.

make some text games as a start. things like card games can be quite fun, gambling, slots, choose your own adventure, simple rpg, etc.
You should play around with the Win32 API until you''re comfortable with it, than move to OpenGL, or DirectX.

- master_ball

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-- master_ball --------------------------------student seeking future game dev career, advice welcome

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