

Started by May 02, 2002 09:25 AM
12 comments, last by Angel_of_Death 22 years, 6 months ago
Just a note

you should add opengl32.lib, glu32.lib AND GLaux.lib
(I do not know if you need GLaux.lib but why not =))
You''re Welcome.
I know;

I just added all libs, mentioned in the first tutorial;
Then the DX-files...
quote: Original post by AxoDosS
Just a note

you should add opengl32.lib, glu32.lib AND GLaux.lib
(I do not know if you need GLaux.lib but why not =))

You don''t need GLAUX unless you are using the sadly outdated GLAUX lib. The functions in GLAUX are prefixed by aux, so it''s pretty easy to know whether or not you used them.

P.S. It''s usually not a good idea to add unneeded code overhead jsut because it "can''t hurt".

Direct3D vs. OpenGL
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