
Receiving Telnet Text

Started by April 30, 2002 08:13 PM
7 comments, last by Aggrix 22 years, 9 months ago
I made a simple program that checks if someone connects to my comp on port some port using Telnet. If they do, it sends a message to the Telnet window. My question is, how would I receive text from Telnet? Like if the user would type something and hit enter how would I receive what they have typed? I am using WinSock. THanx
Use recv().
How would I recieve it when they press enter?

The return is a character like any other: ''\n''

All you need to do is write a small loop which recv()s some bytes and then prints them literally to stdout.

Widelands - laid back, free software strategy
Ahh i get ya,
yeah, basically what the guy before said, you''ll have to just receive each character and buffer them until you get sent a ''\n'' newline, then you can look at the string and do whatever you want with it. You''ll also have to check for backspace characters and if you receive one, then delete the last char on the buffer. This is, of course as long as i am remembering correctly that telnet clients send each character as it''s typed in? You might also need to build in an echo, i think some clients rely on the text they''re typing to be echo''d back to them as they''re typing in...
I hope you don''t mind that I use your topic for a very simular question.
For the first time I tried to use linux to code a simple listener that recives characters from telnet. This may be a very simple thing but I can''t figure it out. The thing is that when I run telnet on the same computer (I have only tried it on the same) I only get the characters when the client presses enter. The odd thing is that the listener recives one and only one character at a time in a loop until a ''\n'' is recived. But the characters doesn''t get printed on the listener side until enter is pressed on the other side. Did all that make seens? (of course I have cout in side the loop)

Hope someone could explain this to me. Thanks.
cout buffers out but, i think there is a way to flush() it. if not use printf() or putc(). also beforewarned some telnet clients buffer output till enter is pressed to help keep transmissions faster since all editing of the line can be done local to the client and the server only gets the final output. you dont have to worry or change anything, just a little more information in case you run into someone using a telnet client that does this.
This isn''t an exact technical description, but just from my observation, cout normally won''t output anything to the screen until it either encouters the ''\n'' character, or the program ends. As noted anove you can use cout.flush() to force the current buffered output to be sent to the screen.
Actually, it shouldn''t be the telnet client but the TCP implementation which does the buffering which was mentioned
Of course, nothing stops a telnet client from buffering as well.


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Widelands - laid back, free software strategy

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